ALignment. Optimization. Expansion.

I partner with forward-thinking Entrepreneurs, who want promptly-delivered,
high-caliber solutions. Together, we uncover insights
that unlock their untapped potential.

How it Unfolds

Your challenges & ideal vision are explored & refined through a holistic lens.
On the front-end, which specific solutions & systems will make your business & lifestyle flow. Automation. Organization. AI. Revenue Generation, & on.
On the back-end, which conscious desires & subconscious frameworks underpin your business, so they may be profoundly upgraded, further driving your upward potential.

We move seamlessly between the two until all cues up. Any issue of any scale is on the table. This often moves us far beyond the realm of business into neuroscience, psychology,
& somatic knowing, as needed. After all, it’s the integration that
leads to transformative breakthroughs.


At this critical juncture in evolution, my set focus is on humanitarian projects with tangible real-world value. Business owners, who crave avant-garde alternatives & new paradigms. Individuals, who are abundant in mindset with a desire for full alignment.

In identifying impactful solutions, we can uplevel your professional
& personal landscape to accelerate your highest vision.

Buckle up. It’s bold thinking meets wu wei.


Within each organization, there are a plethora of opportunities to unearth.
Significant & subtle refinements that once mastered, open up new trajectories of enjoyment.

Together, we’ll tap altered states of consciousness from a relaxed place to scope latent blindspots & unconventional possibilities. As we explore macro trends & micro movements within your enterprise, my intention is to reveal a harmonic life & business flow so you express what you came here for
in the most expansive way imaginable.

Select which calls most.








Within each organization, there are a plethora of opportunities to unearth.
Significant & subtle refinements that once mastered, open up new trajectories of enjoyment.

In our Mastermind, you can speak freely from a relaxed place while an intuitive confidant scopes latent blindspots & suggests unconventional possibilities. As we explore the macro trends & micro movements within your enterprise, my intention is to reveal a harmonic life & business flow
so you express what you came here for in the most expansive way imaginable.

Select which calls most.









This is for when an Entrepreneur wants to anticipate the coming landscape
& to establish themselves as a leader.

In this venture, we will hone in on several challenges & opportunities. This may include dialing branding to be in tune with an overarching mission. Attracting more clients or seed capital. Generating additional revenue streams or exposure. Acquiring the resources & strategic partners needed to thrive. Uncovering unique strategies & optimization techniques. Doubling down on differentiation to sit squarely at the forefront of an industry. During the process, your business becomes my sole focus & its’ success, my only intention. After 21 days you have a plan with elegant, inspired insight, as well as reasons & resources to accomplish your highest ends.

$ 8.8k USD


At times, an organization will have one pressing challenge or opportunity – a crucial campaign, a pivotal product launch, setting brand identity. In these moments, I meet an Entrepreneur precisely where they are wherein we create a paired-down à la carte model to fulfill their key desire & aim completely through the gate of optimization. Here, we think strategically & specifically, utilizing the very same techniques in the deep dive, to yield compelling solutions
at often critical junctures.

$ 2k USD / per topic

An Entrepreneur may want to harmonize overarching objectives, explore new thought models, & rift on possibilities with a sounding board, confidant, & ideator, who has their highest outcome in mind. In these moments, I am consulted in bespoke 2-hour sessions to provide a fresh lens on one or several business areas or to smooth any existing blocks to success. Branding, internal issues, cashflow, inefficiencies, stalled product offerings. After calls, I’ll synthesize, muse, research, & ponder for hours in order to uncover the most compelling & poignant takeaways, which will be kept in a joint file. Sessions may be continued weekly or on an as-needed basis. This is an ideal way for us to begin collaborating together to understand if we’re an intuitive fit. Regardless, you will come away from our time with ideas, strategies, & new thought forms that are actionable & expressly unique.


$ 555 USD / session

Ideations & Endeavors

These are open calls to set industries & humanity – thought through in a myriad of arenas.
A touch unorthodox, they are ripe for new markets & large revenue generation in tandem with help to society.
If one is of intrigue, I’m able to offer ideas for advancement via consulting, collaboration, licensing, & on. 





Be where the world is going — B. Comstock


Ever since young, my thoughts have been absorbed
with ideation, aesthetic, & envisioning the future. My mind innovates & seeks
to refine processes fully. Following study in Economics & International Relations,
my journey led to the world of Business Intelligence. This time exposed parallel challenges facing Fortune’s Global 500 business teams across an array of industries.

Beyond the MicroStrategy software they were implementing, my focus became,
what core issue is this addressing & how can it be better realized. From there, I moved further into Strategy & Innovation, supporting start-ups on a one-on-one basis while traveling widely & engaging in entrepreneurial projects. Along the way, I became intrigued & certified in esoteric areas ranging from Philosophy to Shamanism. Freediving to Tantra.

The deeper I delved into meditation, pranayama, & ancestral wisdom,
alongside economics, human optimization, & neuroscience, the more focused & complete the process became. This multidimensional lens allows us to delve into divergent disciplines, explore inner & outer domains, then bring it all home.



Collaborating with individuals to augment their potential is
both fueling & fulfilling. If I can offer value to you,
I sincerely look forward to doing so.

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